Its hard to believe that it is almost 4 months since I have posted anything. Life has been incredibly busy. In November we had to put my mom in a private care home. On October 31st Wilf and I took her to the hospital with a very swollen and bruised shoulder. The doctor told us that all the bones in her shoulder were so brittle that most of them were fractured and suggested surgery to put a metal plate in her shoulder. Both her and I decided this was not an option. She will be 100 in April. So my daughter-in-law Gaye started hunting for nursing homes. Mom finally agreed that she couldn't take care of herself any longer. Within 2 days Gaye had found a wonderful place and we moved her in on the 4th of November. That month is a blurr for me as we had our eldest son, his daughter and her youngest daugther arrive the day mom went in and they stayed for 4 days. Off came all the sheets and the next weekend my youngest brother, my sister-in-law, their daughter and their grandson arrived to see mom and to help me clean out her apartment. They were here for 4 days. Off came the sheets and the next week my sister-in-law (same one) and their youngest daughter came to help more and visit mom. That same weekend our middle son and his wife were off to the Virgin Islands for a cruise she had earned from work, and I stayed with their 3 boys. 16, 13 and 10. They were wonderful. Very helpful and very responsible. I really enjoyed spending time with them and getting to know them a little better (as you only can if you live with them). But I was also taking care of mom, Wilf and our house as well. On into December and then it was shopping for a few gifts (didn't buy for our family, as we are taking them to Disneyworld in Feb-19 of us will be going. 3 couldn't make it). Then the baking, the decorating and still the visits to mom. She is settling a little better, but doesn't like to have lost her independence. I hosted Christmas eve dinner for 14 of us and then hosted Christmas day dinner for Wilfs family. Boxing day we left for Grande Prairie and spent a week with our eldest son and his family. We had a great time. The 4 little great grandaughters are such a delight. Next week I go back up there (flying this time) (we drove boxing day-11 hours) to spend a week with my grandaughter and her 2 girls as her husband is away on a training course for his new job. I am looking forward to girl time with Amy and the girls. So thats what my life has had in store for me. Hopefully I will get some good pics and be able to post some. While we were away, my hard drive calfed and I had to get a new computer. I am just loving it.