Well our trip to Florida was one to remember for many different reasons. I had hurt my knew a few days before we left and a friend told me to put a brace on. Of course being me I didn't listen. Big mistake. As I was going down the ramp to the airplane in Saskatoon, I twisted it again and ended up in a wheelchair for 4 days. That was just the beginning of a comedy of errors. When we arrived in Orlando the taxi service that was to pick us up wasn't there and we had to call them and then wait for nearly an hour to be picked up. When we arrived our luggage didn't and we were without our stuff till very late the next evening. Therefore we had to shop for a few toiletries and a few clothes. That took up a good part of Sunday, our first day there. Gaye and I did the shopping and the rest of the family enjoyed the lovely weather and the hotel pool. I couldn't get to the pool as we had to wait till the next day to get a wheelchair. On Monday we went to Cocoa Beach and had a lovely time. My grandaughter and her husband went to Walmart and got Wilf and I lawn chairs and an umbrella. There was no way I could have gotten down onto the sand at the beach. Tuesday we spent at Epcot Center and went to the Cinderella Tea Party. The three little girls were in awe of the princesses and we had a lovely meal and great time. Wednesday we went to Typhoon Lagoon, a wonderful place and had a great time. On the morning after we arrived I realized I had forgotten Dons families and Wilfs and my tickets to all the events in Saskatoon. So I missed out on Disneyworld. Was in downtown Disney on the Sunday evening and had a blast watching the 3 little girls dance to a musician. Before you knew it there were about 30 little kids dancing. It was awesome. At Typhoon Lagoon Wilf got 2nd degree burns on his feet and ended up in a wheelchair and scooter for the last 3 days we were there. We had the tickets couriered to us by a friend that was looking after our house but they didn't get there until 4 days after we arrived. Thursday Wilf and I stayed at the hotel as his feet were quite sore but that evening we all went to the Pirates Dinner and Theatre. The show was really good but the food was not. After the show Don and Bob went on the human slingshot. 390 feet shot in the air in an open cage at 100 miles per hour. They loved it, so Jordyn and Jace decided they were going next. Jace was pretty scared, but Jordyn loved it. On Friday Harriet and I stayed at the hotel with the 3 little girls and had a blast at the pool. I ended up with a bad cold which started on Friday. You would think with the gorgeous weather nothing like that would happen, wrong. That day (our last day there) I went with Larry, Gaye and the boys to Universal Studios. Went on a couple of cute rides and rode around on a scooter. We had beautiful hotel suites, awesome weather and sure enjoyed each others company every moment we could. Went out as a whole family for a few really great meals and had lots of together time at the hotel. It was an interesting holiday to say the least but I wouldn't have traded going for the world. A memory to last for a lifetime.